Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Greatness is a golden reward of a good manager of adversity, downs and difficulties on the pathway of an individual in life, Hence this quality of management accounts and define who you are and what you are coming to develop into.The future of an opportunist can be fully maximise if such character consider hard-time in life as a ladder to his greatness.Therefore greatness is directly proportional to the responsibility of a good manager of adversity provided the dream undergo no state of disorderliness.

                                                                  Factors of Greatness
Some are born great, some achieve it and others have greatness thrusted upon them. irregardless of your class among this options really determine your status to be. Been born with a sliver spoon can only make an individual more opportune and boost the timing of achievement.Been thrusted upon is less safer as not to have gotten it on the first place because of the drastical fall-off resulting from lack of passion for greatness.

To a farmer the greatest thought of greatness may be becoming the highest producer of food or cash crop for a community, village and to some town. To a common villager becoming a king of order and to a governor becoming the president of a nation. What dose the word GREATNESS MEAN TO YOU? The answer to this determine your ability to map-out effort toward a known Goal.

Familiarity to your environment is a basic element of considration when the dream for greatness is intact.The fact must never be hidden, that there will be no greater man where there are no little ones. Bringing yourself to the knowledge of those you city with determine how blend an individual looks like but nevertheless competition level should be put in place.
Hence bring to surface your  unique area of much orientation and activate other sleeping potentials.

By now you must have getten the answer to the head question GREATNESS HOW COSTLY?
please endavour  to leave an answer as your comment int the provided space below.

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