Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Greatness is a golden reward of a good manager of adversity, downs and difficulties on the pathway of an individual in life, Hence this quality of management accounts and define who you are and what you are coming to develop into.The future of an opportunist can be fully maximise if such character consider hard-time in life as a ladder to his greatness.Therefore greatness is directly proportional to the responsibility of a good manager of adversity provided the dream undergo no state of disorderliness.

                                                                  Factors of Greatness
Some are born great, some achieve it and others have greatness thrusted upon them. irregardless of your class among this options really determine your status to be. Been born with a sliver spoon can only make an individual more opportune and boost the timing of achievement.Been thrusted upon is less safer as not to have gotten it on the first place because of the drastical fall-off resulting from lack of passion for greatness.

To a farmer the greatest thought of greatness may be becoming the highest producer of food or cash crop for a community, village and to some town. To a common villager becoming a king of order and to a governor becoming the president of a nation. What dose the word GREATNESS MEAN TO YOU? The answer to this determine your ability to map-out effort toward a known Goal.

Familiarity to your environment is a basic element of considration when the dream for greatness is intact.The fact must never be hidden, that there will be no greater man where there are no little ones. Bringing yourself to the knowledge of those you city with determine how blend an individual looks like but nevertheless competition level should be put in place.
Hence bring to surface your  unique area of much orientation and activate other sleeping potentials.

By now you must have getten the answer to the head question GREATNESS HOW COSTLY?
please endavour  to leave an answer as your comment int the provided space below.

The Theory Of Failure.

Statistics has brought to surface that 73 percentage of our thoughts (the human race) has its highest concentration on our needs, wants and desire to win and brake through obstacles in life, Hence we less care about how precautive we should be,this is an undoubtable reasons for our mountainous result FAILURE.

Failure with its mother word FAIL means
*Run short
*Lose of power

Richard owen an English writter professed  failure as an outcome of a whoofull performance made by a participant as a result of non or less sacrifice rooted from carelessness or lack of experience in a known or expected field of an individual or a subject.

if proper preparation prevent poor performance implication has been brought out that failure has a limitation of operation in so many ways.

*Understanding the aim and motive behind your test and exam.
Having being reap to be examine means you have been asigned  at a point, class, field or duty for a specificated period of time and expected to have gain courage and sanity to face questions with regards to your discipline.

*Believing you are a mountain climber.
Learning time,theoretical classes, expositions, experiments and pratical explorations are just to farmiliarise you to your courses and this can be related to graphical display of a mountain for you to climb. Now left for a good climber with a full understanding of aims to being tested is to set his/her focus  on the fact that its time to top  the mountain.

*What if you fail?
Building your mind-setting into a precautive power house makes you master of mistake, hence no room for failure.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to Talk Like a Mind Reader.

"A Good Conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said but says what someone wants to remember".This can be accomplish by knowing who you are which is a big question on its own,u must always connect your mind with the brain so as to make easy to remembrance,not this alone of course it must be as fast as the speed of light so as not to wet out the whole conversation.Now for you to really say what someone wish to remember you must set your mind at peace with chatters and must have being as close as you can  to know their ways of thinking.One of the most important aspect when it comes to developing one's self on how to talks like a mind reader is to be a master at experiences,meaning you must have been engage in such a talk.
Never you sleep-off the fact that a good conversationalist is also a good listener when it comes to newer issues,be willing to learn from others talk by listening.
Listening is an attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another which both attracts and heals.
J. Isham

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others.

We listen to obtain information.
We listen to understand.
We listen for enjoyment.
We listen to learn.
Given all this listening we do, you would think we’d be good at it! In fact we’re not. Depending on the study being quoted, we remember a dismal 25-50% of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers or spouse for 10 minutes, they only really hear 2½-5 minutes of the conversation.
Turn it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you aren’t hearing the whole message either. You hope the important parts are captured in your 25- 50%, but what if they’re not?
Clearly, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade negotiate. What’s more, you’ll avoid conflict and misunderstandings

To enhance your listening skills, you need to let the other person know that you are listening to what he or she is saying. To understand the importance of this, ask yourself if you’ve ever been engaged in a conversation when you wondered if the other person was listening to what you were saying. You wonder if your message is getting across, or if it’s even worthwhile to continue speaking. It feels like talking to a brick wall and it’s something you want to avoid.
Acknowledgement can be something as simple as a nod of the head or a simple “uh huh.” You aren’t necessarily agreeing with the person, you are simply indicating that you are listening. Using body language and other signs to acknowledge you are listening also reminds you to pay attention and not let your mind wander.
You should also try to respond to the speaker in a way that will both encourage him or her to continue speaking, so that you can get the information if you need. While nodding and “uh huhing” says you’re interested, an occasional question or comment to recap what has been said communicates that you understand the message as well.

Exercising your heart to good talks won't do you bad also,because this determine the categories of conversation your mind record.Be Conscious of what of the interpretation your heart  give to new phrases as it becomes  tree with many branches of your imagination.
For more article on"How to Talk Like a Mind Reader." 

Good luck.